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Hamilton 45013 1240 Clovernook Dr

SHERIFF'S SALE CASE NO. CV18020379 WRIGHT-PATT CREDIT UNION INC PLAINTIFF VS RONALD M JONES, ET AL DEFENDANT BUTLER COUNTY COMMON PLEAS By virtue of an Order of Sale to me directed by the Court of Common Pleas, of Butler County, I will offer for sale at Public Auction at the Historical Court House, in Hamilton, Ohio, on Thursday, the 21st day of March A.D., 2019 at 9:30 o'clock A.M. on said day, the following described Real Estate, to wit: Property Address: 1240 CLOVERNOOK DRIVE, HAMILTON, OH 45013 PPN: P6412205000029 There was not an inside inspection of the property and the sheriff is not liable for the condition of the property upon confirmation of the sale. SITUATED IN BUTLER COUNTY AND STATE OF OHIO, TO-WIT: ENTIRE LOT NUMBERED TWENTY-ONE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED NINETY-ONE (21391) AS THE SAME IS KNOWN AND DESIGNATED ON THE REVISED LIST OF LOTS IN THE FIRST WARD OF THE CITY OF HAMILTON, BUTLER COUNTY, OHIO. THERE ARE EXCEPTED FROM THE WARRANTY COVENANTS SET FORTH HEREIN, MATTERS OF ZONING, CONDITIONS, AND RESTRICTIONS, AND EASEMENTS OF RECORD. APPRAISED AT: $73,500.00 MINIMUM BID: $49,000.00 TERMS OF SALE: Deposit $5,000.00 by personal check on local bank. No cash accepted. The purchaser shall be responsible for costs, allowance, and taxes that the proceeds of the sale are insufficient to cover. If a residential property receives no bids at the first sale, it will be offered for sale again 2 weeks later, under the same terms and conditions as the first sale, with no minimum bid requirement. The tentative second sale date shall be on Thursday the 4th day of April, 2019 at the same time and location as first sale. SHERIFF RICHARD K. JONES Captain John Sons, DEPUTY DINSMORE & SHOHL, LLP MATTHEW I MCKELVEY PO BOX 5480 CINCINNATI OH 45201-0000 (513)241-3100 2-17, 2-24, 3-3/2019
Clovernook Dr
February 17, 2019
March 21, 2019
March 21, 2019 8:10pm